Teaching Philosophy

    "You have in your hands the power to influence and mould a student's mind. You have within you the capacity to instill in the child a love for learning, to keep an open mind and to keep questioning. You have the ability to promote confidence, stir thinking and awaken dreams..." Unknown
    Everyone has progressed to where they are in life because they had a teacher. A teacher is defined as someone who gives instruction and communicates skills. My future students are our future, and they need to be successful in the working world. Teaching makes a difference because it provides students access and tools that will help them become successful in the future. The above quote has inspired and motivated me to become a teacher because of the opportunity to stir thinking and awaken dreams of many young minds for years to come. 
    I have the very important responsibility of shaping the lives of young, impressionable children. With this responsibility comes great pride and joy. Therefore all teachers should strive for what can be considered to be a "good teacher." What are you and my students looking for in a good teacher? One who is beautiful inside with a healthy self-esteem, whose first priority is to convey that they care and who creatively prepares? Are you looking for a teacher who believes her students can learn and praises their efforts and talents and encourages them to dream? Is it a teacher that is an expert in content knowledge? I hope all the above statements are qualities you are looking for in a teacher. When my students walk through my classroom door they will see a gateway of opporunity and successful education to all. I hope to fill my classroom with young minds that are eager to learn because that is what life is about-learning. 
    I have a passion for teaching and a passion for life-long learning. I hope to unlock treasures, talents, and gifts within each of my students and to provide them with a wealth of knowledge throughout all subjects.

ABC's of Teaching

Mrs. Hilton's ABC's of Teaching